Gladiator Electric LLC - Licensed Electric
Lic# 17661

Do you know why your power goes out for no reason?

Nothing is more frustrating than losing power for no apparent reason. These random power outages are more than an inconvenience, as they’re likely to cause considerable damage to your electrical appliances and disrupt your daily routine. Besides, losing power for no reason could indicate a larger problem within your electrical system.

Some power outages are inevitable, i.e., those caused by extreme weather conditions like storms, hurricanes, or tornadoes. But if you’re experiencing frequent power outages with no obvious cause, you have no choice but to respond immediately by getting to the root of the issue right before it’s too late.

So, let’s figure out why your power keeps going out for no reason so you can address the problem down to its core.

Overloaded Electrical Circuits

Overloading your electrical circuits is a typical reason your power keeps going out without warning. You get this scenario when your home’s electrical demand exceeds the capacity of the circuit, which then causes a trip in the breaker.

Overloading usually leads to a total electricity shutdown until you reset the breaker. In this situation, you must unplug appliances that aren’t in use, or you can opt to relocate them to a different circuit.

Electrical circuits overload because homeowners often attempt to draw power from one outlet or circuit to supply multiple appliances. To fix this problem, consider installing additional outlets in your home. This job is ideally left to a licensed electrician.

Faulty Electrical Wiring

Damaged electrical wires cause short circuits and trigger tripping of your circuit breakers, leading to unexpected power outages. Electricians often refer to this as a ‘ground fault,’ which leads to frequent power interruptions.

Ground faults are hazardous, and you should never try to fix them yourself. If you’re experiencing frequent power outages that seem unexplainable, you’re better off calling an electrician immediately. They’ll undertake the necessary wiring repairs or replacements to prevent the likelihood of electrical fires.

Power Surges

Power surges are sudden spikes in electricity that last for a short duration but could cause extensive damage to electronics and appliances. These power surges often occur during thunderstorms or when the power returns after an outage.

If you notice frequent power outages coupled with blown fuses and damaged appliances, your home is likely experiencing power surges. Consider investing in a surge protector or installing whole-house surge protection to protect your appliances from these surges.

A whole-house surge protection system diverts the excess energy to the ground, ensuring that your appliances receive only the required electricity. However, if you’re still experiencing power surges despite having a surge protector, the last resort is to consult a qualified electrician to assess your electrical system for any underlying issues.

Power Line Issues

One cause that’s beyond your control is power line issues. These problems are usually a result of fallen trees, animals on the lines, or even damaged transmission equipment. In any of these situations, the power company will work to restore your electricity as soon as possible.

However, if you’re experiencing frequent power outages that don’t affect your neighbours, it’s likely an issue with your home’s electrical system and not the main power line. In this case, you’ll need to call an electrician to identify and fix the problem.

For one, the problem could be with your electrical panel, which may need to be upgraded or replaced. Other times, it could be faulty wiring within your home that requires immediate attention.

What If Power Goes Out or Flickers in Just One Room?

If you notice that power is going out or flickering in just one room, it’s likely due to an issue with a single electrical circuit. This could be a result of a few different scenarios.

One prospective cause is a loose electrical connection. Over time, wires can become loose inside outlets, light switches, or even within your circuit breaker. For example, you might have a table lamp plugged into an outlet, and whenever you turn it on, the power in the room flickers or goes out. It’s indicative of a loose connection within that specific outlet.

Another cause could be a fault in the circuit. If a circuit is faulty, it may not be able to handle the load demand from the appliances in the room. For instance, if you have a room with several high-demand appliances like a computer, television, and space heater running on the same circuit, the circuit may trip and cause a power outage.

And then there are old or worn-out circuits. Like any other part of your home, electrical circuits age and wear out over time, and these worn-out circuits may cause inconsistent power supply or even power outages.

While it might be tempting to fix these issues alone, hiring a professional electrician is always the safest and most efficient response. Electrical work is intricate and dangerous, and mistakes could lead to severe consequences, including fires or electrical shocks.

An electrician is trained and experienced to diagnose the problem accurately and repair it safely. They’ll provide valuable advice on how to prevent similar issues in the future, i.e., suggesting a circuit upgrade if your current system fails to handle the electrical demand of your appliances.

It Could Be As Simple as a Bad Breaker Switch

Despite the circuit breaker functioning appropriately, the issue could lie in the switch itself. The breaker switch is designed to prevent an overload of electrical current by blocking the flow when it exceeds safe levels. However, like any mechanical device, it is prone to wear and tear over time. A faulty breaker switch leads to an inconsistent power supply or frequent interruptions.

How does this happen? For instance, the switch’s internal components might deteriorate over time, affecting its capacity to regulate the electrical current adequately. As a result, the switch trips too easily, even when the electrical load is within acceptable limits. Conversely, a worn-out switch may fail to trip when it should, posing a risk of electrical overload and potential fire hazards.

Further, corrosion can also impair the efficiency of a breaker switch. If moisture seeps into your breaker box, it can cause the switch mechanisms to rust, thereby impeding their proper function. A faulty breaker switch can also be the result of a manufacturing defect. While this is relatively rare, it’s not unheard of, and in these cases, the defective switch would need to be replaced.

Given these potential issues, ensuring that your breaker switches are in optimal condition is a priority. If you suspect a faulty breaker switch is causing power interruptions, consult a licensed electrician, and there’s no other way to go about it.

Last Thoughts

Learning and acknowledging the reasons behind power interruptions in your home equates to a more effective response. The key here is to enforce preventive measures and consult professional assistance when necessary. Whether it’s a minor loose connection or a more complex issue like faulty wiring or a worn-out breaker switch, it’s paramount to address the problem as quickly as possible. If you want a quick and easy solution, contact us, and we’ll come and fix your power outage problems.

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